Day 1:
Barbell Back Squat 3×5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 3×5
Deadlift 3×5
ss1 Pull-Ups, weighted if possible, assisted if necessary 3×5
ss2 Standing Calf Raise 3×5
ss1 Dips, weighted if possible, assisted if necessary 3×5
ss2 Lying Sit Ups, weighted if possible 3×5
Day 2: Off or light aerobics to increase blood flow.
Day 3:
Flat Barbell Bench Press 3×5
Bent Over Barbell Rows 3×5
Standing Overhead Press 3×5
ss1 Stiff Leg Deadlift 3×5
ss2 Seated Calf Raise 3×5
ss1 Hammer Curls 3×5
ss2 Lying Butterfly Kicks with Hands Under Buttocks 3x to failure
Day 4: Off or light aerobics to increase blood flow.
Day 5:
Deadlift 3×5
Close Grip Barbell Bench Press 3×5
Barbell Back Squat 3×5
Chin-Ups, weighted if possible, assisted if necessary 3×5
ss1 One Leg Calf Raise Holding Dumbbell 3×5
ss2 Russian Twist with Medicine Ball or Plate 3×5
Day 6: Off or light aerobics to increase blood flow.
Off or start at day 1.
*(ss means superset and excersises marked as ss2 should be performed right after excercises marked as ss1 )
cool ill try this