Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Anyone interested in building serious strength and muscle should build their workouts keeping in mind the 3
most important muscle groups.These are the biggest muscles in our bodies:the back,legs and chest muscles.
If you want to build serious dense muscle,your workouts MUST include squats,bench press,and finally by me the greatest of all lifts,the deadlift.By exercising these big muscles,your body produces more testesterone and GH(growth hormone) which in the long term means bigger,stronger,denser muscles and more overall strength(you can't get stronger overnight!).All you need to do is focus your energy around these 3 exercises,do them as heavy as you can without sacrificing your form,an you will see how your whole body will start to grow.After all ,with these exercises we gain strenght.Strenght is achieved by building muscles.By building muscle you get bigger.Bigger and stronger.You want to build practical muscles.Strong muscles.With the proper strength training you can achieve this.Next time,i'll show you an example workout.Untill then...


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