Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Huge bulging,sleeve busting biceps

Learning how to build muscle isn't complicated.The secret is keep your workouts simple and straightforward.
Have patience and the results will come.Nothing is achieved over night.You don't need to follow routines you find on the internet.Use them to create your own routine.Your body is unique(in a way that you might be ectomorph,mesomorph or endomorph) and some exercises will work better for you than the others.You should keep in mind the 3 simple pieces of information:

1.Ideal number of reps:8-12
2.Ideal amount of rest between sets: 60 seconds
3.Ideal amount of weight: 80%-As a percentage of your 1 repetition max(1RM)

Also these are guidelines,which as time passes,you'll need to modify to keep your body growing.So from time to time switch it up.

Think BIG,think compound exercises.

Yes,it is likely that you will gain some localized hypertrophy(specific muscle growth through repetitive targeted movements(think of soccer players calf muscles or a mechanic forearms)-through regularly training your arms(4 times a week),moves which isolate your arms are only half the equation.

The real power and strenght come from multi-joint,compound exercises which engage large amounts of muscle and stimulate releasing the greatest amount of naturally-occurring anabolic hormones such as testesterone,human growth hormone(HGH) and insulin factor 1(IGF-1)  which are used for your body to grow to its maximum potential.

As i have mentioned earlier,these compound moves are squat,pull-up,shoulder press,bench press,leg press,lunge,lat pull down,seated row,bent over row and upright row.

If you are just starting out,there is strong evidence to suggest that a total body approach is best before advancing to a split routine.By using the guidelines mentioned above,a full body workout with an emphasis on arm(biceps) development,would go something like this:

Day 1

-Seated row

-Lat pull down

-Back squat

-Barbell curl

Day 2

-Shoulder press

-Bench press


-Alternate hammer curls

Day 3


-Bent over row

-Reverse curl

-Leg press

Also don't forget your triceps and your forearms for your total arm development.
The MOST important thing not to forget : PROPER NUTRITION.
More on this subject next time.Until then..


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