Monday, February 4, 2013

Tom Hardy Bane Workout

The workout routine he performed for portraying Bane is very different than the body weight circuits since he was going for a different look.

The super villain Bane has a real bulky look as opposed to a lean MMA fighter. In the comic book world Bane is known for his incredible strength and bone crushing fighting style. He might not be fast and lean but he was strong enough to break Batman's back.

So Tom Hardy followed a body building type of routine that involved lots of heavy lifting. So we will be looking at a 3-day full-body split. Each of these workouts should only be performed once a week.

Let's say you have the Mon/Wed/Fri split you would perform the first workout on Monday rest on Tuesday. Then the second workout on Wednesday with Thursday off followed by the third workout on Friday. Then the weekend you can chill out and let your muscles recover.

The way this works is very simple. Stay in the range of 3 to 5 reps of 3 to 5 sets. This is an ideal rep/set range for challenging your muscles and building mass.

Don't go to failure or else you will fatigue your muscles. You can approach these workouts in two ways. You can pair the exercises together and perform them back-to-back before resting for 2 minutes. For example you could perform a set of 5 incline dumbbell presses and then a set of 5 bent over rows right after. Rest for 2 minutes. Then repeat.

Or you can just rest for a minute in between each set. Perform all sets of incline presses before moving onto bent over rows.

First Workout

Incline Dumbbell Press

Bent Over Rows

Standing Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Snatch

Romanian Dead Lift


Second Workout

Front Squat

Dead Lift

Bench Press

Hang Clean

Chin Up

Sitting Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Third Workout

Clean and Press

Renegade Row

Chest Flies

Pull Up

Walking Lunge

Step Up

What about cardio? If you want to bulk up like Tom Hardy did as Bane then I recommend limiting cardio or doing no cardio at all aside from being a little active like going for a walk each day.

Now let's go over Hardys diet plan.

Tom Hardys Diet
Hardys diet plan was pretty different than most Hollywood celebrities. This might be shocking but he regularly consumed junk food like pizza and ice cream.

He also ate lots of chicken and rice for carbs and protein. Protein shakes were also included in his diet plan since he would not have been able to pack on as much muscle if he lacked the protein.

When you are bulking up you don't really have to watch what you eat as long as you don't mind gaining some fat. And with the intense workout plan that Tom Hardy followed he burned most of the fat calories off anyway.

Protein is the most important part of a muscle building diet plan. But what about other foods like fruit, vegetables, nuts, and beans. Like I said you can do what Hardy did and stick to chicken and get that ever so precious protein to build your guns.

As long as you get in your protein you will build muscle. The question is whether or not you mind gaining fat while bulking up. Tom Hardy kept a low body fat as you can see in Warrior but that was because he out exercised his average diet.

He also had lots of time since it is kind of what he does for a living. For the rest of us who have full time jobs and hectic schedules we should focus on a healthier diet and just enough workout time to get great results.

If you want to bulk up then you must eat lots of protein and calories in general to get the bulked up look that Tom Hardy has as Bane. Eat lots of protein as well as foods that are loaded with calories like pasta, rice, and peanut butter.

If you want to look like a lean fighter like he did in Warrior then you need to be more strict about what you eat. Follow a workout like the ones above.

You don't have to follow them down to the last rep. Just use them as guidelines for your own workout routine. Workout 3 times a week.

If you want to get lean then focus on cardio on top of a resistance training routine like Tom Hardys workout for Warrior. Be more strict with your diet.

If you want to build bulky muscles like he has as Bane then drop the intense cardio and lighten up on your diet. Enjoy junk food like pizza from time to time while getting in your protein.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Here is another biceps routine,which is simple but efficient.A good thing to have in mind is that a proper warm-up is required ,as with training any body part.That being said,it is not recommended to start your biceps workout with the Scott curl,whether it's dumbbell curls or barbel curls,because of the risk of tearing your biceps.To avoid an accident like that,you need to do 1 or 2 biceps exercises before switching to Scott curl,to get the blood flowing and prevent possible injury.

Workout 1 (if training biceps with no other bodyparts)
Exercise                                  Sets        Reps         Rest
Hammer Curl                             4              12           90 sec.
Cable Curl                                 3              12           90 sec.
Scott Curl                                  2              12           90 sec.
Barbell Curl                               4               8              2 min.
Seated Dumbbell Curl                3               10        75-90 sec.

Workout 2 (if training biceps with one or more other bodyparts)
Exercise                                  Sets        Reps         Rest
Hammer Curl                             2             12           90 sec.
Cable Curl                                 1             12           90 sec.
Scott Curl                                  1             12           90 sec.
Barbell Curl                               2              8              2 min.
Seated Dumbbell Curl                2              10        75-90 sec.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Huge bulging,sleeve busting biceps

Learning how to build muscle isn't complicated.The secret is keep your workouts simple and straightforward.
Have patience and the results will come.Nothing is achieved over night.You don't need to follow routines you find on the internet.Use them to create your own routine.Your body is unique(in a way that you might be ectomorph,mesomorph or endomorph) and some exercises will work better for you than the others.You should keep in mind the 3 simple pieces of information:

1.Ideal number of reps:8-12
2.Ideal amount of rest between sets: 60 seconds
3.Ideal amount of weight: 80%-As a percentage of your 1 repetition max(1RM)

Also these are guidelines,which as time passes,you'll need to modify to keep your body growing.So from time to time switch it up.

Think BIG,think compound exercises.

Yes,it is likely that you will gain some localized hypertrophy(specific muscle growth through repetitive targeted movements(think of soccer players calf muscles or a mechanic forearms)-through regularly training your arms(4 times a week),moves which isolate your arms are only half the equation.

The real power and strenght come from multi-joint,compound exercises which engage large amounts of muscle and stimulate releasing the greatest amount of naturally-occurring anabolic hormones such as testesterone,human growth hormone(HGH) and insulin factor 1(IGF-1)  which are used for your body to grow to its maximum potential.

As i have mentioned earlier,these compound moves are squat,pull-up,shoulder press,bench press,leg press,lunge,lat pull down,seated row,bent over row and upright row.

If you are just starting out,there is strong evidence to suggest that a total body approach is best before advancing to a split routine.By using the guidelines mentioned above,a full body workout with an emphasis on arm(biceps) development,would go something like this:

Day 1

-Seated row

-Lat pull down

-Back squat

-Barbell curl

Day 2

-Shoulder press

-Bench press


-Alternate hammer curls

Day 3


-Bent over row

-Reverse curl

-Leg press

Also don't forget your triceps and your forearms for your total arm development.
The MOST important thing not to forget : PROPER NUTRITION.
More on this subject next time.Until then..


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Chest workout

Workout #1

Incline Barbell Bench Press  3x8-12
Flat Barbell Bench Press      3x8-12
Decline Barbell Bench Press 3x8-12
Incline Bench Dumbbell Fly  3x15
Flat Bench Dumbbell Fly      3x15

Workout #2

Incline Dumbbell Press         3x8-12
Flat Dumbbell Press             3x8-12
Decline Dumbbell Press        3x8-12
Incline Cable Fly                  3x15
Flat Cable Fly                      3x15

Workout #3

Incline Dumbbell Press         3x8-12
Flat Barbell Bench Press      3x8-12
Dips                                    3x8-12
Incline Dumbbell Fly            3x15
Machine Fly                        3x15

Workout #4 (bodyweight workout)

Bodyweight Incline Pushup on Stability Ball    5x8-12
Bodyweight Pushup                                       5x8-12
Bodyweight Dips                                           5x8-12

Workout #5 (Smith Machine workout)

Smith Machine Incline Bench Press               5x8-12
Smith Machine Flat Bench Press                   5x8-12
Smith Machine Decline Bench Press              5x8-12

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Huge and powerful triceps


Day 1
Exercise                                           Sets     Reps    Rest
Weighted Dip                                      4           6*       2 min.
Weighted Bench Dip                           4           8*       2 min.
Decline Dumbbell Bench Press            4           6        2 min.
(palms facing in)
Diamond Push-Up**                                   3   to failure   2 min.

Day 2
Exercise                                           Sets     Reps    Rest
Speed Dip†                                       4           8        90 sec.
Dumbbell Bench Press†                     4           8        90 sec.
(palms facing in)
Rope Pushdown                                 4          8        90 sec.
Push-Up †§                                        3   to failure  2 min.
(elbows pointed backward)

* After the sixth rep of your last two sets, drop the additional weight and rep out to failure.
** hands close together, flat on the floor, with your thumbs and index fingers touching to form a diamond between your hands
† On each rep lower slowly on the eccentric, then explode up on the concentric. 
§ Can be performed gripping dumbbells on the floor, palms facing each other; with knuckles on the floor, palms in; or hands flat on the floor, fingers facing forward.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

How fit are you?

6 tests of fitness

What it targets 
Your core strength

How to do it 

Hold your body in a straight line from head to heels. Keep your feet together and your elbows beneath your shoulders. Look straight down and brace for as long as you can. Focus on keeping your hips from sagging. When they do the test is over.

To improve 

Perform the plank with your hands, feet or both on an unstable surface such as a gym ball. You won’t be able to hold it for long, but it’ll make doing this test on stable ground easier.

Time                    Level
More than 2min     Excellent
75sec–2min          Good
45–75sec              Average
Less than 45sec     Poor
What it targets 
Your core, quad and hamstring strength
How to do it 
Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and toes turned out slightly. Brace your core and lower until your thighs are parallel to the floor and your knees are in line with your feet. Push back to the start through your heels. The test is over when you can’t maintain perfect form.
To improve 
Perform walking lunges with light dumb-bells to build muscular strength in your glutes and legs.

Reps             Level
50 or more    Excellent
30–49           Good
16–29           Average
15 or fewer    Poor


What it targets 
Your chest, shoulder 
and triceps strength

How to do it  

Keep your body in a straight line and your elbows pointing back, not to the sides. Lower until your chest is a fist’s height off the floor, then push back up. The test is over when you can’t maintain perfect form.

To improve 

Complete a set to failure, rest for a few minutes and start again. This will overload the targeted muscles, making them grow stronger.

Reps              Level
50 or more     Excellent
25–49            Good
16–24            Average
15 or fewer     Poor
What it targets 
Your cardiovascular system

How to do it 

Set the treadmill elevation to one degree. Keep a constant pace.

To improve  
Do sets of all-out sprints of between 500m and 800m to improve your ability to maintain a maximum speed for longer.

Time                               Level
3min or less                    Excellent
3min–3min 29sec            Good
3min 30sec–4min 29sec   Average
4min 30sec or more         Poor
500M ROW
What it targets
Your cardiovascular system and muscle co-ordination between the upper and lower body

How to do it 
On a Concept2 rowing machine, select level ten resistance. Sit upright with your shoulders back and core braced. Drive with your legs.

To improve 
Perform sets of max-
effort 250m rows, separated by a 
few minutes of gentle rowing, to improve your endurance.

1min 30 sec or less           Excellent
1min 31sec–1min 44sec    Good
1min 45sec–1min 59sec    Average
2min or more                   Poor

What it targets 
Your upper back strength

How to do it 
Grip the bar overhand, extend your arms fully and let your body hang. Pull up until your chin is over the bar, squeezing your lats. Lower again without swinging. The test is over when you can’t maintain perfect form.

To improve 
Do a max set, rest for a few minutes and repeat. Try lat pull-downs on a machine to build back strength.

Reps                    Level
12 or more           Excellent
8–11                    Good
4–7                      Average
3 or fewer             Poor

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Day 1:
Barbell Back Squat 3×5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 3×5
Deadlift 3×5
ss1 Pull-Ups, weighted if possible, assisted if necessary 3×5
ss2 Standing Calf Raise 3×5
ss1 Dips, weighted if possible, assisted if necessary 3×5
ss2 Lying Sit Ups, weighted if possible 3×5

Day 2: Off or light aerobics to increase blood flow.

Day 3:
Flat Barbell Bench Press 3×5
Bent Over Barbell Rows 3×5
Standing Overhead Press 3×5
ss1 Stiff Leg Deadlift 3×5
ss2 Seated Calf Raise 3×5
ss1 Hammer Curls 3×5
ss2 Lying Butterfly Kicks with Hands Under Buttocks 3x to failure

Day 4: Off or light aerobics to increase blood flow.

Day 5:
Deadlift 3×5
Close Grip Barbell Bench Press 3×5
Barbell Back Squat 3×5
Chin-Ups, weighted if possible, assisted if necessary 3×5
ss1 One Leg Calf Raise Holding Dumbbell 3×5
ss2 Russian Twist with Medicine Ball or Plate 3×5

Day 6: Off or light aerobics to increase blood flow.

Off or start at day 1.
*(ss means superset and excersises marked as ss2  should be performed right after excercises marked as ss1 )


Anyone interested in building serious strength and muscle should build their workouts keeping in mind the 3
most important muscle groups.These are the biggest muscles in our bodies:the back,legs and chest muscles.
If you want to build serious dense muscle,your workouts MUST include squats,bench press,and finally by me the greatest of all lifts,the deadlift.By exercising these big muscles,your body produces more testesterone and GH(growth hormone) which in the long term means bigger,stronger,denser muscles and more overall strength(you can't get stronger overnight!).All you need to do is focus your energy around these 3 exercises,do them as heavy as you can without sacrificing your form,an you will see how your whole body will start to grow.After all ,with these exercises we gain strenght.Strenght is achieved by building muscles.By building muscle you get bigger.Bigger and stronger.You want to build practical muscles.Strong muscles.With the proper strength training you can achieve this.Next time,i'll show you an example workout.Untill then...


Monday, January 21, 2013

Old school powerhouses

My goal

A blog dedicated to physical and mental strength,discovering new ways of fortifying your personality by getting stronger.A place for exchanging advices about workouts,nutrition  and everything else connected
to a healthy lifestyle.

Train heavy,train smart!

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